28 February 2022

Supercomputer in use: Trans-continental ultrafast data transfer

Europe – Middle East – Asia Pacific linked by the ‘ocean of data’

What is a supercomputer? What makes it “super”? What can it be used for? Is it able to work on remote data sets? These and other questions will be answered during a webinar hosted by Michał Hermanowicz and Jarosław Skomiał from ICM University of Warsaw. ICM is one of the biggest supercomputing and research data centers in Poland, involved in interdisciplinary scientific projects based on mathematical modeling, computer simulations, multi-scale and large-scale computations.

In this digital age, having a complete solution for transporting and computing data over great distances at rapid speed will surely spur more progress. We’ll focus on one of our most interesting research projects, CAE-1 Poland-Singapore data transfer link, which shows the power of supercomputers. The shortest possible path, multiple consortium members, and modern software solutions helped to provide much better connectivity than the links routed via the North Atlantic Ocean and allowed to connect regions, to boost distributed data-intensive research and easily join global scientific endeavors. But how well does it work in practice? Join the webinar to find out!

The webinar is a part of project entitled “The participation of ICM and the promotion of Polish science at the World Exhibition Expo 2020 in Dubai”.



Michał Hermanowicz – has received his PhD in physical sciences from Poznan University of Technology in 2016. Currently, he works as a Research and Technical Specialist at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw. His research interests include computational physics, materials science, density functional theory, and high-performance computing.

Jarosław Skomiał – chief network engineer at the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) University of Warsaw. Since 2016 he’s been leading the Data Center and Computer Network Services Team. Jarosław Skomiał is MSC in Computer Science who graduated from Warsaw University of Technology. He was the network architect during the production trial over the Collaboration Asia Europe-1 100 Gbps transcontinental Warsaw-Singapore link. An active member of SCInet routing team.

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