
About us
ICM University Of Warsaw

Established by a resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw dated 29 June 1993, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw, is one of the top HPC centers in Poland.

Big Data Centre of Excellence

Established by a resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw dated 29 June 1993, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw, is one of the top HPC centers in Poland.

ICM is engaged in serving the needs of a large community of computational researchers in Poland through provision of HPC and grid resources, storage, networking and expertise. ICM is involved in interdisciplinary scientific research based on mathematical modeling, computer simulations and modeling, multi-scale and large-scale calculations, and teaching in the above areas.

ICM researchers study problems related to civil aviation (collaboration with ICAO), modeling of social processes and most currently researching zoonoses diseases like SARS-CoV-2 and working on ICM Epidemiological Model for the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland – all based on exclusive access to specific Big Data resources.

Since 1997, numerical weather prediction has been one of the main ICM’s activities. The numerical weather forecast for Central Europe (METEO) has over 200 million visitors every year, making it one of the most popular weather services in Poland.

ICM’s Laboratory of Visual Analysis has been successfully developing and using in-house visualisation software (VisNow) for over 20 years. Their expertise covers scientific visualisation, visual analysis, computer assisted medical diagnosis and other competence areas.

ICM’s networking team has participated in a number of cutting edge networking solutions, both for high throughput and low latency requirements. In recent years, ICM’s engineers have established a production line of 100Gbps connection over 12,375 4 miles CAE-1 (Collaboration Asia Europe-1) between Warsaw and Singapore.

Education & HPC Initiatives

ICM is involved in securing access for Polish scientists to the entire body of scientific literature, including over 8,000 journal titles and hundreds of thousands scientific books, by maintaining the Virtual Library of Science, including the entire content and the rights to text mining.

We also run three unique educational projects: a practical full-time Master level program in Computational Engineering, the Omics Data Science Course Program: Bioinformatics and Analysis of large-scale Biomedical Data and the Warsaw Team, a group of Polish students who take part in the global Student Cluster Competitions (SC, ASC, ISC).

From 2018 to 2021, ICM organized Supercomputing Frontiers Europe. An international conference in HPC and computational science, a platform for the “thought” leaders from both academia and industry to interact and discuss visionary ideas, the most important global trends and substantial innovations in supercomputing.

The last two editions of SCFE were conducted as a virtual event due to an on-going pandemic. The change of format allowed ICM to reach out to a wider audience from all around the world. SCFE20 was viewed in 67 countries while SCFE21 was watched in 77 countries. The amount of registrations quadrupled.
Since 2020 ICM has been taking part in the creation of National Competence Centers in the framework of EuroHPC, a joint initiative between 33 European member countries and the European Commission (EuroHPC JU) to build an exascale computing infrastructure in Europe.

HPC computational infrastructure

ICM computational infrastructure includes two data centers located in Warsaw – Pawinskiego and the Technology Centre.

Scientific research is mainly carried out on the two largest computer systems – Cray XC40 and Huawei cluster – based on Intel Xeon architecture. The first, named Okeanos, is equipped with a total of over 26 thousand CPU cores (24 cores and 128 GB of RAM per single node). The second, named Topola, provides a total of over 6 thousand CPU cores (28 cores and 64/128 GB of RAM per single node). Additionally, the infrastructure is complemented with auxiliary systems dedicated to both research and development as well as internal projects – most notably a GPU (NVIDIA Volta) cluster and NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA vector computer.

The newly refurbished lecture hall for an audience of 70 participants has unique visualization equipment with 16 monitors and software that allows for displaying of huge datasets, remote collaboration and transmission of lectures or images from around the world.

In the domain of Big Data, High Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud services, ICM supports approximately 1,000 users from Poland using ICM’s supercomputers. computing, network infrastructure and big data storage. ICM currently employs 110 staff.



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