Media about ICM

22 March 2022
Data Science for the economy
Big Data Centre of Excellence, open science, spirit of ingenuity. Meet ICM University of Warsaw. As a part of University of Warsaw, the largest university of Poland, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) was established in 1993 and has become one of the top High Performance Computing (HPC) centers in Poland, which also in the domain of Big Data, HPC and cloud services.
7 March 2022
Webinar. Europe – Middle East – Asia Pacific linked by the ‘ocean of data’
In this digital age, having a complete solution for transporting and computing data over great distances at rapid speed will surely spur more progress.
We’ll focus on one of our most interesting research projects, CAE-1 Poland-Singapore data transfer link, which shows the power of supercomputers.
28 February 2022
Supercomputer in use: Trans-continental ultrafast data transfer
What is a supercomputer? What makes it “super”? What can it be used for? Is it able to work on remote data sets? These and other questions will be answered during a webinar hosted by Michał Hermanowicz and Jarosław Skomiał from ICM University of Warsaw.